
What does it mean to support others?
Supporting Others is part of our 3-part vision to Serve Christ, Share Life, and Support Others. We believe that once someone is plugged into the church, they should become more outward focussed. They do this by serving and loving on our community for the sake and glory of Christ.
There are many opportunities to serve and volunteer our community and share the love of Christ with them. Different people have unique gifts that will be used in special ways in different groups. But whatever we do, we want to glorify God and share His love with the world. Look below at different opportunities to see how you might best fit in in supporting others in our community.
English as a Second Language
Learning English is not easy and moving to a different country is harder. That is why we at LHBC have a ministry to teach English and help people make friends and adjust to living in the USA. We also offer:
Free meal to practice conversational English
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced English
Citizenship class.
Free Childcare
Check out the ESL page to learn more.

Serving the Community
Throughout the year, LHBC partners with local schools and organizations to provide free inflatables and food machines. In addition to local schools, we've partnered with area non-profits, community organizations, apartment complexes and neighborhoods. In the same way that Jesus freely shows His love for us, this is one of the ways that we seek to freely show His love to our community! Everyone can help in some way as they volunteer.
Baptist Bistro
These volunteer cooks and servers prepare a full meal every Wednesday for the ESL students, so they can practice their conversational English over a meal as they build their language skills and build relationships. They also are able to teach these students a bit about the culture and food in the US. The ESL students eat for free and other church members eat for $5 which helps pay for the ESL student's meal. Contact Robin Smalley if you want to serve with us or if you have any questions.

Church Planting
We are serious about reaching 2.1 million people in our city for the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the US, the average person to church ratio is 6,194:1. In Cincinnati, that ratio is 60,000:1. We feel that the best way to Cincinnati is through planting other churches that will take the gospel to new neighborhoods. That is why we are invested in planting other churches around the greater Cincinnati area. To learn more, click the links below