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Our goal at Lakota Hills is to reach all people in our surrounding area, regardless of geography, culture or language barrier. We are proud to have our Arabic, Korean and Nepali, Hispanic and Multi-housing campus plants to reach our whole community including our international neighbors.

NEPALI Campus Plant
Pastor Purna Rai
Holy Immanuel Church
Meeting time:
Worship Service — Sundays at 10:30am

hispanic campus plant
Pastor Bob Allan
Lakota Hills Hispanic Church
Meeting time:
Small Group — Sundays 10:30 am

Multi-housing campus plant
Pastor Allen Lawless
Abundant Life Church
Meeting times:
Life Group — Thursdays 7:00 pm
Ladies Bible Study — Sundays 5:30 pm

Swahili campus plant
Pastor Emery Nzamuye
Comfort Missionary Baptist Church
Meeting times:
Worship Service — Sundays 2:00pm
Arabic Campus
Koean Campus
Nepali Campus
Hispanic Campus
Multi-Housing Campus
Swahili Campus
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